Sunday, October 01, 2006

The guy who "sold his soul on ebay".

I dont know how widespread this news story is, but i've heard its all over. the guy who sold his soul on ebay: this guy who is an atheist invited any christian to "buy" him; he would attend any church the buyer wanted him to ($10/hour of church). He was bought by this guy who did not want to save him, but wanted a critical review of american church's (way cool, church-guy).

anyway, a publicist got wind of the whole story and told the atheist guy that he would publish a book of an account of these visits. the book will be called "i sold my soul on ebay", due out april '07.

well, one of those church's happened to be mars hill. rob bell was able to sit down 1-on-1 with this guy before a gathering and just talk. he said that this atheist guy had heard it all; you're going to hell, turn or burn, jesus is the only way...ect. rob didnt try to convert the guy. rob simply shared some stories about people he pointed out as they walked in for the gathering. (i sure would of loved to be in that little room).

rob told us last week that the publisher emailed rob. he told rob that they weren't able to categorize mars hill church within any of the other church categories (catholic, protestant, evangelical, baptist, ect). how cool is that? and one more thing: the atheist guy wants rob to write the forward to his new book.

more on the story:


Blogger Me & Me said...

Selling his soul? Sounds more like a traveling conslultants job to me. Can you say research for a BOOK DEAL?

This inspires me to try and sell my Christview on eBay, of course maybe that has flooded the market by now, at least a fake version of my view called Religion is selling like beer at the dollar beer night ball game.

Therefore I shall [note the Biblical terminology] sell-
my thirst for adventure. That is something not everyone posesses.

***Look for it***
** No reserve **
*** I accept Pay Pal ***

2:09 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

Mars Hill not classifiable??????!!!\WWWWWhat the!!!!!!!!

Unknown Scientist-
"This is an outrage!", he shrieked "EVERYTHING IS ABLE TO BE CLASSIFIED," jumping into the atmosphere, falling to the ground writhing in faux convulsions.

"Wait, I got it, we will classify it, 'unclassifiable', yes that works for now later we can find a suitable box for it."

To my dear nephew Wormwoods son, Bitter,

It was unpleasant that we had to eat your father, but now is for you to solidify within yourself the results of failure, it will keep you focused on the task.

We have worked really hard to make sure that, whether you are with Him (the enemy) or not, you think your good with the universe. We have worked over 500 years to build up this idea that a set of words, bible (as paper and ink) saves you, and that if you enter a certain club (say… church) ‘everything gonna be alright’. Sure we know it’s a risky endeavor to put them right under the His nose, but it was a worthwhile campaign. Look at all the false hope it has built up, nothing so powerful as thinking you’ve got, what did Bell call it?, ‘fire-insurance’, yet all the while your following the same path as those Pharisees & Sadducees or Zadokites or whatever they called them; and the greatest part, the most genius piece is that all of it is in the books they read and the songs they sing. Blind! And even the books and the songs are unchecked and preaching Our message because its not about truth for them, its about what sells. A win for us. Keep them angry with each other, factioning and bitterness drives our cause, keep it coming from the pulpit.

But how could this gathering named after a bump on a red planet start this unclassifiable thing that is winning more people to Him than ever? There’s got to be a way around this, we’ve seen it before all systems break down, even the ones that refuse to be named. We must find a way to break this up and keep them from growing and reaching out. This is one place we must strive to keep them OUT OF! This is paramount to our success. Remember, keep them AWAY from MARS HILL!!!

We had hoped this would be the last time we had to take such severe casualties.
"We'da got away with it too...if it wasn't for those pesky kids and that, that Bell dude"



2:41 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

Want to know more about Wormwood? You may indulge in the ScrewTape letters [if you have't already]

Here is some info:

2:42 PM  

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