Thursday, September 07, 2006


"how can i stand on the ground every day and not feel its power?
how can i live my life stepping on this stuff and not wonder at it...
we spend our lives hurrying away from the real, as though it were deadly to us.
'it must be somewhere up there on the horizon,' we think.
and all the time it is in the soil right beneath our feet."
--william b. logan


Blogger Me & Me said...

right on!

Hey, I just got "worked" on by my friend using the Bowen Technique. Or BowTech. Check it out online!! Pretty amazing and really effective.

talk to you soon,

2:07 PM  
Blogger Once Again... said...

BowTech? dont tell me it was a chiropractor! steph, you know better! j/k...hey, if it helps...

4:05 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

Not chiro. but claims similar results. Different in the sense that there is no cracking involved. Just a series of specific, gentle "touches" on specific areas that claim to wake up your body to go back to preinjury state. And I guess in my case, I have layered injuries. And it only takes a two or three visits.

I feel different after one visit. I don't have as much trouble bending forward. Now the pain is more focused in my hips. Not "better" yet just different. We shall see.... I will try just about anything! :)

I have been doing more walking and working on my abs as well to promote core strength. And the extension exercise that you suggested... That is really helping!!

9:00 AM  

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