Friday, July 07, 2006


When asked about his thoughts on "contemporary christian music" and parents who only let kids listen to "christian" music, lead singer of Thrice responds:

...This may come as a shock to some people, but there is a ton of good in the world that is not christian. This labeling is so destructive to our God-given creative impulses: it neuters our art. Not to mention the fact that having a little world separate from everything else in life is what is wrong with a lot of the church today in general. When there is a christian band, it automatically is an exclusive thing, and the invitation to Christ is anything but exclusive.
I feel that people who happen to be both artists and christians need to make art from the center of their beings, art that is honest and real and glorifying to God all at the same time. Art that can vibrate to the chords of anyone's hearts, despite what they profess to believe. Are we not all human, and is not art a bridge that crosses over otherwise unbridgeable chasms?

- dustin kensrue of 'Thrice'


Blogger Me & Me said...

in the world, not of the world. nice one, jon!


9:11 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

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2:08 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

The definition of Good has been misplaced.

If our perspectives are correct we see that only God is Good. (at least that's what Jesus said)

If we say that human beings are being good apart from God we are separating God from good. Yet we know that apart from God nothing is good nor can it be. Therefore, either the word "good" is flawed and ill-defined or our perspectives about what good is are.

From the eternal perspective things done here on earth are wrought with motivation and therefore subject to evil. So, from an individual, good things with wrong motives make the individual unsafe. Yet from an eternal perspective good things can be done, but the reality behind it can only be God.

That said... we all know the fallacy of man & the church, which further proves the idea that only God is good. Yes, He does work through humanity & all of His creation & not Christians, certain organizations or any other separative designation that we can come up with exclusively.

2:31 PM  

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