Saturday, April 08, 2006

...i wish i was like...

i want to become the most whole, complete person i can...i want to go inwards and understand why i struggle with this and why i am like that...i am sick of wishing i was like so & so, wishing i was funny like those guys, wishing i woulda came up with that one, wishing i could be confident or speak well in front of others like that guy or have deep friends like they are or be as self motivated as she is. i want to be done with these feelings. i want to move past this, because i know if i stay here, stay in this whirlwind of "i wish i was more like...", it will drown me and ill never really be able to live.

it is possible to be a christian and be saved and be involved in a church or lead a group, sing all the right songs and smile at all the right times and can have saved a lot of people...and still be miserable. this is because salvation is not just about a ticket; its not to keep in the back pocket until 'that day' comes...salvation is wholeistic. salvation is for today, here and now, just as much as it is for later. and its not about covering things up and storing these things in the basement...its about dusting them off and bringing a light into these areas and getting dirty, digging into these things.
where is my ego getting in the way? where is fear getting in the way?

LISTENING TO "wholeness" by Rob Bell Jr.


Blogger Me & Me said...

I am finding, that the more I submit to God and the more I seek His face, the more He makes me into the person that He intended me to be when He knit me together...More like myself...more like Him. It is more of a stripping process than a adding process. He has to clear away all of the "ego, fear, etc." in order for the world to see His creation (me).


1:04 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

Who the heck is Rob Bell JR????

2:48 PM  
Blogger David said...

How does Rob know me so well??

Hey Jon, thanks for your supportive post...sorry I'm not in the lions mouth out in the African bush. So I hear i'm getting a goodie box soon?? Mmmmm mmm, i can't wait!!

Let me know how mr don miller does!

12:34 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

"I wish I was more like":

then a really far second:


Gahndi (when I'm mad)

That really good surfer I saw the other day.

Rob Bell (Jr.?)(or at least have some of his cool t-shirts).

C.S. Lewis (but still married with kids)

Tommy Kidd (when I want to be smart)

Jon Strefling or Britt Merrick (when I feel short)

David (when cold)

Elmo (when teaching kids)

Napolian Dynamite (when dancing)

Bruce Lee (when showing off my stomach)

Wayne Gretzky (when playing hockey)

Neo-The Matrix (when I want to learn something by downloading it into my brain)or when using kung foo to beat up computer programs, or computers).

Anthony Hopkins (when speaking in public)

Gandalf (when I need to feel powerful)

Aragorn (when I need to sword fight)

Legolas (when walking on top of really deep snow)

gimli (when chopping wood)

Frodo (if i ever have to carry a catastrophically powerful world dominating weapon across the planet to destroy it)

Capt. Jack Sparrow (when I need to sail so I don't get seasick)

SpongeBOB Squarepants (when I need to have a good time)

Patrick Star (when I need to veg.)


3:34 PM  

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