Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Unanswered Questions

And so today, some of my most PROFOUND MOMENTS with God come not during church services or reading works of theology or even reading the Bible. They come in all sorts of surprising places - a song, a hug from a friend, a good laugh.

Or sometimes, these incredible moments with God come in SILENT, PAINFUL times - times of not knowing, times when you sit and wonder why life turned out the way it did, times spent wondering why your wife left, times spend wondering why you have to HURT so badly.

And slowly, you come to sense deep within your soul that it will be OK, that the tension between FAITH and DOUBT, knowing and NOT knowing, FACT and MYSTERY is a tension worth embracing.

-Cameron Conant (Relevant Magazine)


Blogger David said...

Good points. Is this guy just a writer for relevant?

9:18 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

It has been said,"By the Grace of God I survived that horrible event!" What about those who don't survive? What if it is the Grace of God that someone doesn't survive...what do we do with that?

12:37 PM  
Blogger Me & Me said...

Me too. (as in have experienced the profound moments too)


8:03 AM  

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