Sunday, April 08, 2007

Mars Hill Easter Tribal Gathering

As a way to signify the tribal-like community shared at Mars, they did an all-percussion worship. Now, of course my little camera taking video does not give justice to the power and chest-thumping rumble of the experience of being there, but here's a quick sample.
There were about 8 guys up there pounding on everything from trash cans to waste baskets to large cardboard boxes to toilet tops to dust pans; there were no "real" drums or percussion instruments.
Check it out....


Blogger Me & Me said...

i wonder what it sounded like when Jesus rose from the dead, and that rock was blasted away from the burial opening. The Romans were sleeping so they didn't hear. But the pastor here said he thought it was cool that the angel was sitting on that rock saying why are you here? I would sit on the giant rock I rolled away too, like an insignificant pebble.

Too bad we missed that gathering, our tribe would have loved it!!!

Peace and condroiton for staggeringly healthy joints and sinews!

10:23 AM  

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